Event name
Mindful Meditation Group
Sat 02 / 08 / 2025
10:00 AM to 11:30 AM
10:00 AM to 11:30 AM
Who can attend
Members and Volunteers
Limited Capacity: 1 spot available
Darcy Levy
Saturdays, January 18th through March 1st, 2025 on Zoom, 10:00–11:30 am
Through selected readings, guided meditation, and shared experience, we practice “coming back to our breath” as we cultivate non-judgmental awareness and equanimity, build community, and gain insights. For maximum benefit, each 8-week series is limited to 12 participants, including the group facilitator Dr. Freeman Humphrey.
Through selected readings, guided meditation, and shared experience, we practice “coming back to our breath” as we cultivate non-judgmental awareness and equanimity, build community, and gain insights. For maximum benefit, each 8-week series is limited to 12 participants, including the group facilitator Dr. Freeman Humphrey.
If you would like to have your name be put on a waiting list, please contact the Village office at 707-776-6055, or at info.villagenetworkofpetaluma.org
Dr. Humphrey is a retired psychiatric social worker with many years' experience in guided meditation and group facilitation.